Algernon Becomes a Bird: Maggot Box

Mixed Media

Algernon Becomes a Bird forms part of the Shrines for Algernon series.  The work consists of a resin coated plaster mould taken of the fetal calf Algernon when he was first collected from an abattoir in Queensland in 2009.  The back of the sculpture is coated in feathers and is displayed within a custom glass case.

The installation also includes living grass and a nest of live maggots which crawl out from under Algernon’s sculptural form. The work comments on the interconnected cycles of life and death.


Mixed media

Algernon Becomes A Bird forms part of a series of works that comment on the use of Fetal Calf Serum in cell and tissue culture and flows between benefit and harm, life and death.  
MATERIALS: Feathers, Plaster, Epoxy, Glass, Perspex, Steel, Fabric, Live Grass, Live Maggots
CLASSIFICATION: Mixed Media Sculpture